McPhillips Architecture

Welcome to McPhillips Architecture

Discover a world of innovative design and architectural excellence at McPhillips Architecture. Our team is dedicated to transforming your dreams into awe-inspiring structures. From residential marvels to commercial masterpieces, we bring creativity and functionality together in perfect harmony.

Crafting Timeless Spaces 

At McPhillips Architecture, we believe that architecture should stand the test of time. Our architects specialize in creating timeless spaces that harmonize with their surroundings while meeting your unique needs. Whether it's a modern home or a historic restoration project, we bring a touch of elegance to every design.

Innovative Sustainable Design 

Sustainability is at the heart of our architectural philosophy. We take pride in incorporating cutting-edge eco-friendly solutions into our designs. From energy-efficient building materials to green spaces that breathe life into your projects, we're committed to making a positive impact on the environment.

Historic Preservation and Restoration 

Preserve the past while embracing the future with our historic preservation and restoration expertise. Our team brings a deep appreciation for heritage to every project, breathing new life into cherished landmarks and architectural treasures.

Collaborative Design Process 

We believe in the power of collaboration. When you work with McPhilips Architecture, you're not just hiring architects; you're gaining partners who listen, understand, and collaborate closely with you throughout the design and construction process.

Attention to Detail 

It's the little things that make a big difference in architecture. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures that every element of your project is thoughtfully considered, resulting in spaces that are not only beautiful but also highly functional.